#https://www.goodyear.com/robots.txt User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /en-US/tires/site-search Disallow: /en-US/tires/site-search/ Disallow: /en-US/tires/search/ Disallow: /en-US/tire/search/ Disallow: /truck/* Disallow: /en-US/storelocator Disallow: /getStoreReviews Disallow: /getTireReviews Disallow: /en-US/extra-drive-promotion Disallow: /en-US/company/partner/* Disallow: /backoffice Disallow: /cmscockpit Disallow: /cscockpit Disallow: /importcockpit Disallow: /productcockpit # Block access to specific groups of pages Disallow: /en-US/checkout Disallow: /en-US/my-account Sitemap: https://www.goodyear.com/sitemap_index.xml # Block CazoodleBot as it does not present correct accept content headers User-agent: CazoodleBot Disallow: / # Block MJ12bot as it is just noise User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: / # Block dotbot as it cannot parse base urls properly User-agent: dotbot/1.0 Disallow: / # Block Gigabot User-agent: Gigabot Disallow: / # Delay Yandex bot User-agent: Yandex Crawl-delay: 2 # Block Sogou Web Spider User-agent: Sogou web spider Disallow: / # Block Sogou Web Spider User-agent: Sogou inst spider Disallow: / # Block Sogou Web Spider User-agent: Sogou spider2 Disallow: / # Block Ahrefs User-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: / # Delay Qwant User-agent: Bleriot Crawl-delay: 3 # Delay Comscore User-agent: proximic Crawl-delay: 3 # Delay Comscore User-agent: Doximity-Diffbot Crawl-delay: 3